SOL20 Day 2

Spring Has Sprung!

Well not really..... I am sure we will get more snow here in Northern WI, but a girl can wish, right? As I walked into my classroom this morning I saw my tiny little plants sprouting that I planted last week. They grew so much over the weekend and it made me so excited for spring! (Don't mind me- I a am a young adult trying to find new adult hobbies...and planting/all things flowers has become one of them!) That is a very little slice of my life today.  Happy March everyone! The sun is shining any my baby flowers are blooming, it is a great Monday. 


  1. Optimism is always one sprout away from fruition! Happy writing!

  2. You should check out Kelsey Corter’s blog. She’s another 20-something (who happens to be one of the TWT co-authors) who has an impressive and successful green thumb. She’s originally from Wisconsin. The two of you should definitely connect during the challenge.

    Hopefully springtime IS just around the corner!

  3. Ooh - I love those first tiny shoots. "The sun is shining and my baby flowers are blooming" - really, what could be better than that?

  4. Sprouting greens?! A promising sign of spring, indeed.


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